Delivers Remarks Following the New Hampshire Primary


VICE PRESIDENT GORE: Thank you, New Hampshire. Thank you, my friends. (Applause. Cheers.) You know, during the day—during the day today, some people thought this might be like the Super Bowl. (Laughter.) They thought that we might fall a yard short. (Cheers.) But let me tell you—let me tell you this Tennessean is in the end zone, and it feels great! (Applause. Cheers.) Thanks to you! (Applause. Cheers.)

And you ain't seen nothing yet! We've just begun to fight. (Applause. Cheers.) We are going to march all the way down the field, from state to state, from coast to coast, all the way to victory in November for the American people, for our party, for our country! (Applause. Cheers.) We have just begun to fight.

I want to thank—I want to thank my wife Tipper, the best campaigner in the Gore family by far. (Applause. Cheers.) I want to thank my whole family—Karenna, Andrew and Sarah and Kristen and Albert. I want to thank all of the volunteers. You know, I want to thank everybody who made this possible—most of all the people of New Hampshire.

Let me tell you, we were—for months we were underdogs here. We were behind in the polls for 14 weeks. We were outspent. But because of you, we were never outworked. And I thank you for that. (Applause. Cheers.)

I—you know, this was a hard-fought campaign. This was a hard- fought campaign. Senator Bradley was a tough competitor who made us fight for every vote. And I believe the contest made us stronger. As a matter of fact, I know it did. I know that this is a better campaign -- (applause) -- a more focused and stronger campaign.

I heard from several people—I heard from several people today that while they were on the phone with a volunteer from our campaign, another volunteer was knocking on their front door, and they wanted to know which one to talk to. (Applause. Cheers.) Thank you. Wow! (Laughs.) That's true.

Now, here's what I think is the most important thing: Today in New Hampshire a lot of new people came into the process and voter participation was way up. The voters listened and responded to our campaign. They listened to the discussion of the issues. Let me tell you, the people of New Hampshire in both contests listened very carefully to what the candidates were saying. I had open meetings all across this state. As a matter of fact, last night I had one for three hours and 35 minutes. And I had faith in the people of New Hampshire. I had faith—I have faith in the American people, and I have in the possibilities of our future. We have an opportunity now to take the message that has been so successful here this evening all across this state. In this autumn and winter of campaigning, which has been one of the best, most enjoyable, most satisfying experiences of my life, we took our cause all across New Hampshire, door to door, in the debates, and most of all to the open meetings across the state. And for me that was not something new. As a matter of fact, during the 8 -- the 16 years that I served in the House and Senate, I had open meetings all across the state of Tennessee, as a young congressman and then as a senator. And in those years of open meetings I listened and I learned. And I learned from the people how to focus on issues like our economic prosperity, nuclear arms control, the environment, and health care and education. And then this fall in New Hampshire, in the heat of the competition, in response to the total immersion in the dialogue with the people of New Hampshire, when I was behind, I went back to the people and started listening carefully -- (applause) -- and responding to every single question, every single comment. I listened to you. (Applause.) I share your concerns. I responded to your question! (Applause. Cheers.) I spoke about your dreams and how we can make this country better for your future. (Applause. Cheers.)

So tonight—so tonight I thank you from the bottom of my heart not only for your votes but also for making this a better campaign, and for making me a better candidate. Thank you, New Hampshire. I appreciate it. Thank you. (Applause. Cheers.) I want to thank you for carrying the word to your neighbors and your friends. Instead of slogans we offered specific plans. Instead of lofty words we debated substance. And I pledge to you again tonight I will never make a negative personal attack in this campaign. (Applause. Cheers.) I am going to talk about the substance, the issues, the future—your future. (Applause. Cheers.)

But let me tell you I will keep fighting for working families, and I will keep defending Medicare or Medicaid and public schools— (applause) -- and the future of our country, our economic prosperity. I want to fight for you! (Applause. Cheers.) I want to fight for revolutionary improvements in our public schools! (Applause. Cheers.) I want to fight to protect our environment, our air and our water! (Applause. Cheers.) I want to fight to expand health care to all Americans, step by step, children first! (Applause. Cheers.) There's too much at stake. I want to fight for our fiscal responsibility, keep our prosperity going, keep our economy moving! (Applause. Cheers.) For Social Security and Medicare I have just begun to fight, and I want to fight for you! (Applause. Cheers.)

I believe that we have a chance in the rest of this campaign to make the single greatest commitment to education since the GI bill, to balance the budget, to pay down our debt, to reduce burden on the children, for clean air and clean water, for civil rights. And for women's rights we have just begun to fight. (Applause. Cheers.) For an equal day's pay for an equal day's work, for a woman's right to choose, which must never be threatened, never taken away -- (applause, cheers) -- never weakened. We have just begun to fight. (Applause.)

Now, tonight I will leave New Hampshire, and in the days and weeks ahead I will criss-cross this continent again and again, carrying our cause everywhere in America. (Cheers.) But I will miss the people of this state. And I want to repeat to you this evening, after the polls have closed, a pledge that I made before the polls opened. And that is that if you entrust me with the presidency, I will continue to have open meetings as president, including here in the Granite State of New Hampshire. (Applause. Cheers. I need your help. And during this campaign—during this campaign I will take New Hampshire with me—its hopes, its beliefs, and the lessons it has taught me—everywhere I go. And next November, with your help, I will take New Hampshire with me to the presidency of the United States of America. (Applause. Cheers.) You gave me your faith! You gave me your trust! I will fight for you! (Applause. Cheers.)

And now, before I close, I want to thank all of those who stood and fought with us here in this state. I want to thank Billy and the governor. Thank you so much -- (applause) -- and their families—Stephanie and Stacey and Molly and Craig and Al and Louise! I want to thank all of our friends who stuck with us when we were behind! (Applause. Cheers.) All of our friends in organized labor who worked with us every step of the way! (Cheers.) All of the teachers who helped us day in and day out! (Cheers.) All of the volunteers who came from all over the country -- (applause, cheers) -- and of course our terrific senior staff here in New Hampshire, Nick Baldic (ph) and Craig Schurmer (ph) and Doug Hattaway (ph), and Senator Caroline McCarley (ph), and all of the staff, all of the volunteers! (Cheers.) Thank you all, God bless you. Let's keep fighting all the way to the White House. Thank you, New Hampshire! Thank you! Thank you! (Applause. Cheers.)


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